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Slab Springs Trout Farm, LLC, is located in the beautiful Missouri Ozark Mountains, nestled in the Mark Twain National Forest in an area rich in history and character.  The pristine water we raise our trout in bubbles up from the ground right on our property, 200 feet away from our rainbow trout hatchery and trout raceways at the rate of 15,000,000 gallons a day.   


We offer healthy, responsibly grown trout for pond, lake, river and stream stocking, and for sales to restaurants and stores. We can recommend best practices for your pond stocking, how many fish your pond can support, and how to feed and maintain your trout. 


Our fish are healthier than wild trout in several ways. First, they are kept safe from predators such as river otters and predatory birds. They are kept in an environment that is constantly cleaned and where the water is always as fresh as it comes. This helps to keep them disease-free. We have our trout tested for health issues by a third party on an annual basis. Finally, they are fed the best food, custom blended for maximizing healthy growth. 


Our fish habitats include a hatchery building and two 160 foot long raceways where the trout are grown using the cleanest and greenest technology. All of this together amounts to fish that are parasite-free, disease-free, safe and delicious! 

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